Friday, June 26, 2015

7 Interesting and Useful Ways of Using Google Search

Here are some very interesting and very useful ways of using Google Search. If you are a Google Search user and lover like I am, this will save you lots of time.

1. Speech Recognition

In my opinion, Google's speech recognition software found in Google Chrome and in other operating systems and devices is the most useful speech recognition software when it comes to finding stuff online.

On which ever operating system you are using it, all you gotta to is to open the application and say "ok Google" and say what you are looking for and Google Search goes and gets it and brings up to you what you are looking for. It would be great if you tell Google Search "thank you" after it did this.

2. Images

You can upload a picture from your computer or device and Google Search will search this image and present to you everything that looks similar to that image or you can past an URL where an image found and Google Search will find web pages which include these images and will also show you images which are visually similar.


This is something which I learned for the first time when I was a teenager and I remember being at a library in Oxnard, California being told that I can put words into quotes when I search on Google and Google would only search that word. So that is what it does, you place a word in quotes and Google Search will search for the word or words in the quotes as one word or phrase. So for example, if you want to search "the dog which went away" Google Search will search for that exact phrase.

The following ones I just found out about and they are as interesting and useful as the others.

3. Hyphen -

You can use a hyphen to to make a search more exact. For example,if you type in the word Nike, Google Search for everything Nike but if you type in Nike - Jordans, Google Search will find only Nike Jordan related images or web pages.

4. Colon :

You can search a website for specific material by using a colon. For example, if you wanted to find Kiss related material on you would type in and Google Search will present to you websites, images, videos, news and books related to Kiss on the website

5. Finding Files

This is a very useful and one which I will start to use more often now that I know of it.

If you are looking for a specific subject or topic in a specific file format, what you do is this. *Searchtopichere*filetype:pdf So as you see, what you are looking for goes in between the asterisks, then you say what file type you would want that in.

6. Search for Multiple Words or Phrases at the Same Time

When wanting to search for more than one item at the same time, you can tell Google Search to do just that. Same for example you want to search places to eat pizza in Venice and places to eat pizza in Santa Monica, you do this: "places to eat pizza in Venice" OR "places to eat pizza in Santa Monica.

Notice how the quotes were used again in this example.

7. Finding Websites Similar to Another Website

This is very useful to anyone who really loves a particular website and would love to find more like it.

To tell Google Search to do this, this is what you write: related:

Google Search will find similar websites to along with other related searches.

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