Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How Communications from Media Effects Our Daily Lives

A lot of people do or don’t realize the importance and effect communication has on our lives, our interests, our thoughts and our emotions and how we feel about ourselves, others and the world in general.

When we get into a car and flip on the radio, to find a station that we like, to putting on a CD into the disk player, when we turn on Pandora to find a station or when you open up the Spotify app on your iPhone or Mac in order to listen to that favorite song you’ve been liking, and when you reach out your hand to raise the volume because you want to hear that as loud as you can or when you put on some head phones so that you can listen to it personally or when you share a song to your facebook page so that everyone can listen to what you are listening to, this attempt to communicate makes our lives more interesting and makes our lives that much more fuller.

Whether that song is a rap song from the bay area or a song by the Red Hot Chilli Peppers or a song by The Beatles or a new release by an EDM artist, or a Classical instrumental by a 17th century French composer, or a tabla instrumental, this communication by these artists makes our lives that much meaningful and can make our lives more productive.

Can you imagine the effect what the track “The Message,” by GRANDMASTER FLASH had on the people around them when it was first released and what kind of an effect it had on the culture as whole of America? Think of the effect the music itself had on the minds of people and then think of the lyrics which were being communicated. This was released in 1982. Think of or do some research of what was going on in that year and why they were talking about what they were talking about. Today, in the year 2015, that song still relates to so many people.

Now think of the song or listen to the song “Five Minutes of Funk” by WHODINI. Compare that to the song I just talked about. You can also compare it to “Rappers Delight,” by Sugar HIll Gang.

Now compare that song to a Taylor Swift song. And just look at the variety of music that exists and the variety of channels where you can listen to or look at music videos and how that effects how you think about the world and think of the amount of fans Madonna has and how much anything Madonna would say can influence their thinking. Bono of U2 is a good example of this. I don’t even like U2 that much but that doens’t change how much they can have an effect on people just by something they would say.

Music itself is an outpouring of communication from an artists heart because it is something that they love.

This is the subject of music.

Let’s talk about the subject of news.

I don’t know how many people like to listen to the news on the TV or in the form of paper but news is all over the place.

I was looking at a newspaper recently which had news about someone being murdered, a car crashing into a pizzeria, ten people being assasinated, a person being found guilty of murder, and there was only news article about how to get an education. This is on the first page of that newspaper. The name of that newspaper is actually LIFE. So what are they communicating to you?

Newspapers can fill the world lots of fear and create a feeling of a chaotic environment or they can fill it with valuable information.

A newspaper like the THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, brings us news of the business world, news from all over the world, news about politics, economy, tech, market news, the art world, and even real estate and this brought to millions of people daily and for the people who read this journal daily, it is an important part of their morning while their having their morning coffee or while they are on their lunch break.

Broadcasting stations such ABC, NBC CNBC and others, daily and continually communication to you news which probably don’t want to hear from others parts around the world and things which are happening in the USA. I generally don’t like to listen to the news because it doesn’t really interest me to hear what is on there. There are other sources to get that information.

And then there is the continual advertising you see on television in between movies and tv shows and the news, there is just continual advertising there and you see this on billboards (depending where you are) and also on the radio, there is just a massive amount of advertising and people have to do this advertising. Think about how these communications from these different companies affect how you know about them and how they affect what you think about and how you think about their product or service and the world around you.

Radio stations have a lot to do with this by the kind of music they play on the radio including the massive advertising that is done there.

The film industry makes hundreds of movies a year. Genres range from Horror, Action, Comedy and Drama. Millions of people go to the theater to watch that movie they have been wanting to see because they are expecting that this communication from this movie is going to satisfy something about themselves or their life and they in turn communicate their opinions about it to others. People love to communicate!

Most movies carry a message or theme that is being communicated via the images and action which you are seeing on the screen. For example, the movie GRAN TURINO by Clint Eastwood carried the message that a person can change who they are and care about others and that whn you do this your life can change forever.

That is just one example of so many movies and the writers and directors who made it which understand what communication is about. They understand that by showing this scene for this long or by using this light here or by placing the camera and then moving it really fast over here will create the effect they want to create and actors who are very well respected know about this instinctively.

And not with live streaming Apps like Meerkat, so many people spend so much time either broadcasting themselves or watching other peoples streams and they spend hours on there just trying to communicate with anybody and with anyone.

Media and it’s communications effect our lives so much, that we hardly take a few minutes to think about it. If it were not for communication, there is a good chance you would be dead.

Monday, June 29, 2015

The Power of Communication Today

Today, the means of communication has multiplied since the days of the telegram.

The means of communicating is more, the quality of communication is better every day, and the amount of communication is more every day.

There is a billion users on Google, Facebook and Youtube. That is 1/7 of the world's population on this earth.

People upload almost 350 million photos to Facebook everyday.

There is over 1 billion messages sent on Facebook messenger every day.

300 hours of video are uploaded to Youtube every minute and every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views.

By 3 pm anywhere, there is over 150 billion emails sent already.

Google processes over 1 trillion searches a year.

Over 2 million blogs are written every day. That is enough to fill Time Magazines for over 700 years.

There is over 9,000 tweets per second.

In a span of 4 minutes, there will be over 400,000 skype calls being made.

Over 2,000 instagram photos are uploaded every second. In 6 minutes, there will be over 800,000 new photos on Instagram.

There is close to 30,000 GB of internet traffic every second.

These are just some statistics and you can find more of them.

You have at your reach and access means of communicating so fast which the world has not known for a very long time. Make the comparison of a Greek messenger boy having to sprint miles to deliver a message to composing a tweet or a imessage or text and sending it to the intended recipient in less than 2 seconds and you will see what I mean.

Literally almost everywhere in the world you can pick up a phone, open up an email, open a messenging app, open up a picture app or open up a social network and in a matter of seconds, perhaps not even a second, you can send a message to someone on the other side of the world.

This is a world where people everywhere are furiously wanting to and having to be in communication with so many things and people and by the use of so many media channels.

People love being in communication. They would rather be in communication with something deadly, than not be in communication at all with anything.

That is the power of communication.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Microsoft Windows 10

Even though I have read reports that Microsoft is giving away Windows 10 and then will "count on app sales to drive revenue," I think also there is a humanitarian reasoning behind this.

We are living in a time where computers, computing devices and related software are so wide spread almost everywhere you go and corporations such as Microsoft don't really need give away upgrades and new versions of their operating systems so I think the effort to do good towards mankind is a part of it.

I haven't heard of Apple doing this for any of their services or products and they have more than $700 billion dollars. They could easily give away Apple watches to whoever wanted one and still have tons of billions of dollars.

A person from Apple who is giving a lot of his money away is Tim Cook, who has said he will pay for his nephew's education and then donate the rest of his money to charities, according Fortune Magazine.

And think of Steve Jobs only having a $1 salary. That is someone who does not care about money and only cares about being productive and helping others (although of course he did have billions of dollars.)

Other people have said they would do the same or similar. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet started a campaign in order to pursuade other billionaires to give at least half of their money to charities, and so far people like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have signed on.

When I hear about this I know a lot of these people don't need that money. Of course they need some of it, but they obviously care about others.

How the Internet, the Web, and Social Media Connects Us to Others

One of the earliest social networking sites which I used was actually not Myspace or Facebook.

It was a social networking platform for artists called Artmesh.

It was started by a group of German entrepreneurs-artists who wanted to create a place where artists could meet up and show their art and to network. It was a very succesful networking site and I met some very interesting people including a future girlfriend of mine and I still have contact with people who I met there. .

Another site which I would use (at this time I was already using Myspace) was a placed called ArtReview who also have their own magazine. I met many people here who were not only interested in meeting others i.e artists like themselves but also "entrepreneurs" who wanted to help others artists succeed.

And this is in fact not the first time I started "networking" with others.

The first time I actually started to "network" was when I would download music from Napster. I remember just wanting to download all the music I could and the way to do that on Napster was download music which was being shared by others on the same network.

Another way I would network others and I which I attempted to use as a means to make myself known as a professional gamer was when I would play FIFA 07 and 08 on Playstation 2. I would network on there because I wanted to meet others who were as interested as I was in playing this great realistic video game because I wanted to be known as a great soccer mind online at that time.

Myspace started as a place for musicians especially to show their music and then it came to be known as the place to be so I as I heard about this, I went there and began using at a place to network with others and to show my music and art but more importantly, it was a place to say what I wanted and felt and to share what I wanted to share and also it was a place to become part of a community.

Myspace provided a means of communication to others where otherwise you would not have been able to communicate to people that you can find on there.I remember hearing about Facebook and not liking at first so just remained with Myspace and somehow or another I started using Facebook and eventually I stopped using Myspace and used Facebook as my main tool of expression.

I used Facebook as a way to network but more importantly, it was a means to say what I wanted to say to others and to make myself known all over that place for the purpose of getting into art shows and exhibits and I just wanted to be known and known everyone I possibly and Facebook afforded that to me.

.Facebook and similar sites have shortended the gap of distance and communication and it effectively makes you more social and it connects you to others in a way which is not possible for many to do if they did not have access to the internet and the world wide web, it just wouldn't happen if these networks didn't exist.

Sites such as Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Twitter and Pinterest provide you with the means to communicate even more about what you do and what you like as well providing the service of being able to communicate to others whom you would not have access to otherwise.

Sites like this bring people together and connect them in a virtual space where we can connect with one another as we would if we were actually there with them and what is more than that, the internet and the world wide web, and sites such as these provide a valuable service to others.

Sites such as Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Twitter. Vimeo, ,Google +, Youtube, Pinterest and others provide you with the means to communicate even more about what you do and what you like as well as providing the service of being able to communicate to others whom you would not have access to otherwise and giving you the means to be a social person and to be what you want to be without a lot of limitations. So it makes your more free somewhat and that is why so many people like it.

And now, applications like Meerkat and Periscope have applied another layer of communication possibility by giving you the means to broadcast yourself in such an easy to understand way. With the simplicity of pushing a few buttons, you are online and being seen potentially by hundreds and hundreds of people

The service these networking sites provide is fast communication and a place to make friends and connections and a chance to a part of a community. This is the valuable service supplied to you.

The acquisition of a tool and means of communication and the connection which is afforded to you to so many people is what makes these tools so valuable and so loved and cherished.

Friday, June 26, 2015

7 Interesting and Useful Ways of Using Google Search

Here are some very interesting and very useful ways of using Google Search. If you are a Google Search user and lover like I am, this will save you lots of time.

1. Speech Recognition

In my opinion, Google's speech recognition software found in Google Chrome and in other operating systems and devices is the most useful speech recognition software when it comes to finding stuff online.

On which ever operating system you are using it, all you gotta to is to open the application and say "ok Google" and say what you are looking for and Google Search goes and gets it and brings up to you what you are looking for. It would be great if you tell Google Search "thank you" after it did this.

2. Images

You can upload a picture from your computer or device and Google Search will search this image and present to you everything that looks similar to that image or you can past an URL where an image found and Google Search will find web pages which include these images and will also show you images which are visually similar.


This is something which I learned for the first time when I was a teenager and I remember being at a library in Oxnard, California being told that I can put words into quotes when I search on Google and Google would only search that word. So that is what it does, you place a word in quotes and Google Search will search for the word or words in the quotes as one word or phrase. So for example, if you want to search "the dog which went away" Google Search will search for that exact phrase.

The following ones I just found out about and they are as interesting and useful as the others.

3. Hyphen -

You can use a hyphen to to make a search more exact. For example,if you type in the word Nike, Google Search for everything Nike but if you type in Nike - Jordans, Google Search will find only Nike Jordan related images or web pages.

4. Colon :

You can search a website for specific material by using a colon. For example, if you wanted to find Kiss related material on rollingstone.com you would type in Kiss:rollingstone.com and Google Search will present to you websites, images, videos, news and books related to Kiss on the website rollingstone.com

5. Finding Files

This is a very useful and one which I will start to use more often now that I know of it.

If you are looking for a specific subject or topic in a specific file format, what you do is this. *Searchtopichere*filetype:pdf So as you see, what you are looking for goes in between the asterisks, then you say what file type you would want that in.

6. Search for Multiple Words or Phrases at the Same Time

When wanting to search for more than one item at the same time, you can tell Google Search to do just that. Same for example you want to search places to eat pizza in Venice and places to eat pizza in Santa Monica, you do this: "places to eat pizza in Venice" OR "places to eat pizza in Santa Monica.

Notice how the quotes were used again in this example.

7. Finding Websites Similar to Another Website

This is very useful to anyone who really loves a particular website and would love to find more like it.

To tell Google Search to do this, this is what you write: related: techcruch.com

Google Search will find similar websites to techcrunch.com along with other related searches.

Meerkat Community Pick

My stream was chosen by Meerkat as a community pick. I just wanted to let you know that.

You can find me on Twitter and Meerkat @CosmicHQComm

Thursday, June 25, 2015

The Evolution of the Web Browser

I want to talk about not about how the browser has evolved since it appeared; I want to talk about how it is evolving today.

To start off with, I saw this very interesting new update for Google Chrome on iOS where you can exit, refresh or open a new tab by pulling down and choosing the option. That was very interesting to me.

Being able to share and traverse data across platforms is so amazing and it is something I love to be able to do.

Changetip has made it possible to send digital currency across so many platforms. You can traverse digital currency directly from Chagetip website or you can be at the website or platform and send the digital currency. Platforms such as Twitter, Meerkat, Youtube, Disqus, Google +, Reddit, Soundcloud, Slack, and Tumblr accept payment or tips direct at their side.

Buffer can take any image of the net and you can save it for later or schedule it to be published later on Twitter or Facebook or where ever else you might to want to do that.

Pinterest as well is showing on sites and you share video or image to your Pinterest.

The browser is becoming more "alive" and the capability to share is more alive than ever today.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


I just want to say that I really love Google I love mostly all the products I love their phone to, I used to own a Google Nexus phone and that was a really really cool phone

It really was a cool phone. I don't know what happened to it but I had one, I remember it for its design, it's easiness to use in the way it felt in the hands and of the way it felt  on the thumbs and all that

The user interface was really smooth to have you like how it was the design I like the fact that I only had the three buttons you find at the bottom of the phone and it really was just a cool looking phone

Also Google Drive Google Drive is amazing amazing amazin. There's so much you can do with Google Drive. 

Also there is something called Google Camera which you can get on the android and that is really cool too 

Good morning

It's the morning in California and it's very interesting morning 

I have to get a lot done today I hope to meet a lot of new people I hope to meet a lot of the same people and I hope to build my relationship with them a lot better and I hope that everything is well 

I hope you have a very good morning also and you reach the goals you have planned for today and tomorrow and the next days and that you do very well

I wish you a happy day


I've been here chatting for days i've been doing that for weeks actually what seems like weeks and I really like it there's a lot to do there there is a lot of very interesting people,  people that you probably would not have met if it wasn't for them using the Meerkat app 

I've also been streaming as much as I can and I will be streaming more

Just want more people to meet and I'll have more streaming to do

Monday, June 22, 2015


I wrote an article about meerkat shari my thoughts about it. Find it on my LinkedIn page.