Monday, July 6, 2015

Blogging and Communication

Writing a blog is about communicating an original thought and original thinking to someone else.

Blogging is essentially communicating an idea to an intended recipient. That is all it really is.

Communicating an original thought and idea is being able to set on a digital paper words you will find no where else written in the same way that you have written them because no one else is like YOU.

One of the reasons of writing a blog is to set yourself apart from others in terms of knowledge. Not everyone knows what you know and others will find it valuable that you are sharing your knowledge with them even though they may despise you for doing so, they will respect you for doing it.

As with any communication, it has a starting point and a reaching point

Communication happens to you or you make the communication happen.

As any real communication does, the communication reaches the intended recipient and produces the intended effect in that person or group. That is a real and true communication.

As it applies to blogging (and any writing really), what is being communicated has to have value to the other person or group to whom the communication is being done to because that is when a real communication has taken place.

A real and genuine communication and valuable communication has happened when what you have said has really changed something about the person or group reading it and they have taken from it something more than just what they thought they would be reading and they know that the time taken to read your blog has been time well spent because they have finished reading the blog satisfied that they made the right decision in reading your thoughts and they are interested in reading more about you have to say and they have decided in their minds that you are a valuable source of information.

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