Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Marketing and Communication

Life is about communicating. To the degree that you communicate, that is how alive you are.

Think of the last time you were around someone who did not say anything to you and you had to be around that person because of your job or school. How did that make you feel?

As it relates to what is known as marketing, communication is key.

When was the last time you ate a Carl's Jr burger? And how was that determined by you looking at a promotion that came along with the local newspaper?

Or when was the last time you went to see a movie at the theater and how was that determined by a promotion you saw at a fast food restaurant or from a website you happened to be on?

Marketing happens everyday around us and for many of us it happens under our noses and you do not think of it twice when you see it because you don't think of it as marketing. You don't think of that magazine that is on the table as you wait for your doctors or dentists appointment as marketing and you don't think of looking at a website as marketing and the contents of the website as marketing and you don't think that the piece of paper that you saw in the mail promoting a new hamburger was marketing but that is what it is.

I guess it scares some to think they could be "falling for" the marketing or that they are actually being convinced by it to buy the products being sold there. But that is what is happening.

It happens because value is being communicated to them and that value can take the shape of a book, a t-shirt, a watch, a computer, a car a hamburger or anything else which is valuable to a human being.

These things are communicating something valuable to the intended recipient and that is why people will subscribe to a magazine or will they will subscribe to an email list or a magazine or journal which will arrive at their home or the reason why someone will continue to comeback to a website or will continue opening up the same magazine when they go to a bookstore or the one they have at home.

It all comes down to that: communicating value.

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