Saturday, July 18, 2015

Communication and Culture

Without communication, culture would be dead and would not exist as it does and as you know it. 
It is because of the communication of ideas that they become real and sensible to others and it is by communication that others know about them and by their agreement they become customs, and beliefs, and stories come forth, and legends come to view, and history happens and is told, and religion becomes alive and thoughts about the universe happens and how this and that came about and so forth. 
The are dynamic systems which interact with one another, and if there was only one culture; one general culture which existed on this earth, there would still exist this dynamic quality about it because I don't think, theoretically and practically, that there has to be so many cultures for cultures to survive at all.
If you look at it from a purely biological point of view, you would see that cultures which survive the most are those which are the most in communication with one another; and those who have within their system an influence which antagonistic or against the direction in which the culture is moving, there is a discord and to that degree, that culture does not survive as well as it could. And all of this because of the lack of communication at the point in the system, for whatever reason there is that lack there, there is still a lack of communication there.  
There would be no cultures if there was no agreement about the beliefs about them and there would be no culture if there was not communication about these realities to one every member of the culture.
Cultures exist because they are communicated among the people where they come from and it express the active life of that people and peoples. For many, culture is the driving force behind their life and it is a source of thrust for them to be from and part of a definite culture. 
It is so amazing to see the variation of cultures that exist at different settings of the world and the topic at once extends beyond the antropological study of it, to a philosophical study and is there where questions and answers are found concerning it. 
This world would be so bland without culture and there would be no life moving these cultures if it were not for communication between and amongst the entities which constitute these cultures, whether legal, political, ethnic or otherwise.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Storytelling, Branding and Communication

This is a good example of a unique communication and unique story being told to the customers of this restaurant. 

The story is told after you have eaten those tasty fries with your burger and drink. 

What a great ending! 

Mark Zuckerberg on Communication

Emojis, GIFs and Expresing Ourselves Online

Emojis and GIFs express so much about the emotion we are feeling without having to use many words and without having to really be there in person to show that emotion to others.

How people express themselves online can often take the form of emojis, GIFS and other similar symbol or motion picture than words can do.

Words like LOL, LMAO, and other similar acronyms talks more about how we feel than actually feeling that from a person because since you cannot be there physically and in proximity to the person for those feelings to be felt in the "normal" sense, there is the use of codes and symbols that transmit these feelings to the receiving end.

This has to be done because since the various communities and persons which contact each other on the web have to express themselves, than of course there has to be symbols to transmit the feeling to the other being.

They are a communication code of a kind which has been developed in order to communicate our emotions through the use of symbols online. And it is really effective.

I remember watching the roast of Justin Bieber on Comedy Central and a lot of the jokes being said had to do with Emojis and at that moment I did realize the popularity of Emojis and even right now I'm using an upper case E when spelling Emoji, if that doesn't tell you something abou the importance of Emojis, oh man.

A lot of times people will say LOL as the code of "that make me laugh" and it doesn't necessarily have to mean "laughing out loud" the code can be defined in as many ways as can be interepreted. When I talk to a friend, sometimes I get send the Emoji which could be said to stand for the LOL acronym, which is a face with two tear drops coming out of the sides, and that of course communicates to me that the person is "laughing out loud." And that is just one emoji.

On an iPhone and iPad, there are categories of emojis which are: PEOPLE, NATURE, FOOD & DRINK, CELEBRATION, ACTIVITY, TRAVEL & PLACES, OBJECTS & SYMBOLS. Do people really generally talk about these things that they would merit an emoji for them? I guess so. You find under the PEOPLE category emotions for the various which would you expect a person in real life to have.

On Facebook Messenger, emojis have categories for HAPPY, LOVE, SAD, EATING, CELEBRATING, ACTIVE, WORKING, SLEEPY, ANGRY and CONFUSED and there are other emojis in the form of animations or cartoon-like characters which also express emotions.

GIFs have become an increasignly popular way of expressing emotions by using moving pictures to express an emotion instead of a static symbol. I personally love using GIFs because they are so funny sometimes and they communicate just the right feeling that I want to get across.

You have really to think about how much effort is put into making a communication of emotion playful and creative on these messaging systems and platforms and the amount of effort placed in being able to express emotions through symbols on the web.

It all comes down making a communication happen and making communication which will be understood by the receiver. A receiver who is a real person and real feelings and who responds to a communication filled with life.

The point is that all of this is done in order to communicate feelings through symbols and codes on devices and computers to real human beings since they are the medium through which communication is happening to a person to person or interpersonal or public relationships.

That is how important communication and communication of feelings is on these platforms. That is how important the human element is to these web applications and communication platforms.For it were not for this human element, these networks would be useless and would be lifeless.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Communication and Velocity

A component of communication is velocity or speed of communication.

Depending on how fast the speed of the communication is and how fast it reaches its intended place, determines a lot about that communication and it tells you a lot about that communication which was transferred and the form of communication which was used.

Faster communication and fast response to a communication is way more desirable than a lagging, sluggish or what is worse: communication that never originates and never reaches its intended target or a communication which is never responded to and a communication which is answered to long after it arrived.

This applies to any area of a company, internal and/or external (think of the last time you had to wait and listen for several minutes to a computer automated voice when calling a corporation like this.)

It applies to interpersonal relationships and public relationships (think of the last time you did not get an answer to your question. How did that make you feel?)

It applies to computers and computing machines (think of the last time you used a very slow internet connection. How did you feel?)

It applies to all areas of life really.

Next time you talk to someone, send someone a message or a text or are having a conversation with that person or when you call a company or corporation to ask about a product or for customer support, take a notice of how fast is their response time and how fast they are to answer your questions and that will tell you a lot about them.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Blogging and Communication

Writing a blog is about communicating an original thought and original thinking to someone else.

Blogging is essentially communicating an idea to an intended recipient. That is all it really is.

Communicating an original thought and idea is being able to set on a digital paper words you will find no where else written in the same way that you have written them because no one else is like YOU.

One of the reasons of writing a blog is to set yourself apart from others in terms of knowledge. Not everyone knows what you know and others will find it valuable that you are sharing your knowledge with them even though they may despise you for doing so, they will respect you for doing it.

As with any communication, it has a starting point and a reaching point

Communication happens to you or you make the communication happen.

As any real communication does, the communication reaches the intended recipient and produces the intended effect in that person or group. That is a real and true communication.

As it applies to blogging (and any writing really), what is being communicated has to have value to the other person or group to whom the communication is being done to because that is when a real communication has taken place.

A real and genuine communication and valuable communication has happened when what you have said has really changed something about the person or group reading it and they have taken from it something more than just what they thought they would be reading and they know that the time taken to read your blog has been time well spent because they have finished reading the blog satisfied that they made the right decision in reading your thoughts and they are interested in reading more about you have to say and they have decided in their minds that you are a valuable source of information.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Sharing on the Web

One of the most amazing features of the online experience today is being enabled and being able to share so much online from platform to platform, website to website or any other combination of this.

Anyone can be watching a video at Youtube and can, in seconds, share it to their Twitter or their Google + or Blog.

If you want to share a book you have written you can upload it so easily unto the net and make it available to millions and millions of people or if their is a book you think people should know about, you can scan that book and upload it to a site like and you have made that book available to millions and millions of people.

Websites such as, and Google with their Google Books make so many books available and accesible to so many millions of people for intellectual consumption and most of those books are so valuable to so many people and what is more, a lot of these books are given freely to the public for their enjoyment and intellectual and educational development in whatever subject the books are about. Talk about a humane service to humanity. Making these books accessible like that to so many people is just an indication of lots of goodwill for humanity. Just think of the amount of time and work which had to be put in to make these books available online in digital format. Microsoft has given so much money to these projects, for the purpose of sharing knowledge to humanity.

At that time when it first started, Napster was just the place to be to network about music and by doing that you got to know other people who were sharing their music online so you woudn't have to go and buy it (or steal it lol) at the store or mall. I remember using that program so much and although at the time I did not really understand peer-to-peer file sharing, I would download so much music from Napster that I would sometimes leave the computer on all night so that I could get that album because having that music was really needed by me at that time. I actually remember using AOL disks to get online because I wanted so bad to be online.

Another way of sharing now has come into existence and that is sharing money via peer-to-peer networks. The money is known as bitcoin and although bitcoin is not the only digital money which has existed and exists, bitcoin is the current agreed upon digital currency which can be exchanged for the fiat of countries as well as other digital currencies. And the technology behind it is totally about communication for it were not so, the technology would not work because it is based on an Internet and Web which is totally dependent on the communication of computers and networks for it to work at all.

With the existence of bitcoin, money can be shared across computer networks and social media platforms with an ease that actually scares people.It doesn't scare me. I'm really impressed by the speed of communication of bitcoin and it is what I really like about it and I really like that it is all done via computers and devices. That is really so cool to me. I'm a person who uses a device almost all day and knowing that with a few clicks I can send and receive money without having to use a bank is so wonderful to me and not only that, the idea that money is in the hands of a social network which is governed by people and not just in the hands of a few authoritative persons or institutions is such good news to hear. There is so much freedom there. The way I look at it, there has been a shift from the US dollar being the currency used to base the value of other currencies to the US dollar being the currency used as the base of the value of the bitcoin and bitcoin is governed by the people not by institutions which have been established for more than a hundred years. So there has definitely been a change there.

If you think about it, you can now send real money electronically by use of a currency that totally exists on computer networks and that, so far as recorded history is concerned, has not existed ever. Money has evolved.

Sharing online is becoming very fast and the future of sharing online is very interesting indeed and I"m looking forward to its developments.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

The Internet and the World Wide Web of Communication

To begin, I will state the definition of Internet as defined by the Federal Networking Council:

"Internet" refers to the global information system that -- (i) is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons; (ii) is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and/or other IP-compatible protocols; and (iii) provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure.

That doesn't sound like the Internet you know, because the Internet you know is filled with pictures,videos, sounds and software and all kinds of other stuff that you know is on the Internet or has something to do with it.

The Internet you know is about being able to go to Facebook to connect with people you know or to log on to Twitter and Tweet some famous person as you would with a text message.

The Internet you know is that thing which allows you to listen to music on Spotify or to watch movies on Netflix.

The Internet you know is that thing which allows you to access so much information which you otherwise would not have had and it is that thing which allows you to be in contact with so many people.

They are just millions of people who daily communicate via the Internet. What they say ranges from the most criminal content to the most sanest content.

The Internet is like a virtual universe where you can have one identiy or more than one and all of them are as real as you want them to be and from that basis, you can say whatever it is that you want to say. You almost find more liberty online than you do outside of it to a certain degree because you can be more online and say more online than you probably are able to or feel when you are offline.

And it's not just people who are communicating on the web. Computers do it too.

As a matter of fact, the internet started with the purpose of enabling computers to exchange information to and fro but the the man who really foresaw what could be done with this was J.C.R Licklider of MIT who described how he foresaw it at as a "Galactic Network." He envisioned a globally interconnected set of computers through which everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site.

Doesn't that sound a lot like what happens today?

The reason for computer networks, advertising online, marketing online, newspapers online, books online, social interaction online and the internet itself is the need and the urge to be in communication.

We are living in a world where communication is the base of everything that happens in it and even computers who don't think on their own unless programmed to, do it also and if it were not for the existence of computers, the internet would not exist and the web would not exist and all the social networks and other media which exists online would not exist either.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Marketing and Communication

Life is about communicating. To the degree that you communicate, that is how alive you are.

Think of the last time you were around someone who did not say anything to you and you had to be around that person because of your job or school. How did that make you feel?

As it relates to what is known as marketing, communication is key.

When was the last time you ate a Carl's Jr burger? And how was that determined by you looking at a promotion that came along with the local newspaper?

Or when was the last time you went to see a movie at the theater and how was that determined by a promotion you saw at a fast food restaurant or from a website you happened to be on?

Marketing happens everyday around us and for many of us it happens under our noses and you do not think of it twice when you see it because you don't think of it as marketing. You don't think of that magazine that is on the table as you wait for your doctors or dentists appointment as marketing and you don't think of looking at a website as marketing and the contents of the website as marketing and you don't think that the piece of paper that you saw in the mail promoting a new hamburger was marketing but that is what it is.

I guess it scares some to think they could be "falling for" the marketing or that they are actually being convinced by it to buy the products being sold there. But that is what is happening.

It happens because value is being communicated to them and that value can take the shape of a book, a t-shirt, a watch, a computer, a car a hamburger or anything else which is valuable to a human being.

These things are communicating something valuable to the intended recipient and that is why people will subscribe to a magazine or will they will subscribe to an email list or a magazine or journal which will arrive at their home or the reason why someone will continue to comeback to a website or will continue opening up the same magazine when they go to a bookstore or the one they have at home.

It all comes down to that: communicating value.

Social Media Advertising and Communication

The one thing I know is true of all social media platforms and apps is that they at once place a person into communication with others and fast.

In such a fast time you can be in communication with anyone who has the same interests as you do, who likes the sames things you do or you can find people who have had similar experiences to yours and you can join a community of real people who are also on the web using social media platforms to connect with others.

This is really the one quality of all of these social media sites which in turn makes other corporations and companies which have been in business for years and years and years want to be there also because the people that use their products or services or the people who know about them are online so of course they have to be there too.

They have to be where their public is and they have to be there talking to them.

Because of this, a social network like Facebook makes almost 10 billion dollars a year through sales of their advertising services.

Mcdonald's has more than 50 million page likes and more than 19 million people have cheked in there using Facebook.

Nike is known to advertise on Facebook with video before they advertise those same advertisements on television.

Disney uses Facebook's online gaming for it's over 40 million fans which are found on Facebook.

Walmart, in addition to it's own Facebook page, over 4,000 of its stores have their own Facebook pages.

Samsung was the first company to buy the log out page of Facebook to advertise its Galaxy S III phone.

Electronic Arts spent 2.75 million dollars on just one of its games, Battlefield 3, and the company saw a 440% return on its investment in sales.

Just think about those statistics for a bit.

Some of the biggest corporations who advertise on Facebook are:

Ford. Ford advertises on Facebook because they believe that people who like the Facebook page will advocate the brand to others.

HSBC. This bank doesn't even advertise as much to the USA as they do to Asia and Europe but they are using a Facebook to do it.

Dell. Dell has made more than 10 million dollars in advertising by using social media.

Google. Advertises its Chrome browser, which has a set of Facebook extensions downloaded 34,000 times a week.

Why do they have to spend so much time and money advertising on a social media network like Facebook?

Because they have to communicate there that is why! They have to communicate their products and services to others and make it known to them on all these other social networks.

They just have to do this if they want to continue to be known and seen by others or else they would be almost not existent to the eyes and minds of many potential customers and people.

I used Facebook as an example because it seems more advertising is made there due to the 1 billion and more people who use Facebook and you can find similar statistics for every popular social network.